Using DTMD v6.1.99, the following parameters are available in Configurations

Comparison between 1 and 2 color version and video and laser version

Highlighted Orange = unique to 2 color/ratio versions (E1R, E2R, EF1R, EF2R)

Highlighted Green = unique to video sighting versions (-V)

Highlighted Blue = unique to laser or LED sighting versions (-L or -D)

New parameters available via ASCII only to be added to software (not yet in 6.1.99)

ASC -  Unique to 2 color/ratio sensors. Provides "special" handling of attenuation failsafe EAAA code and converts to EUUU for certain applications where post-processing is critical and EAAA is caused by stray energy or a discrete object moving in and/or out of the FOV. This function effectively inhibits the reset of peak hold and switching of the relay (when set to failsafe) due the an EAAA event. 

See Article for setting up EAAA disable

ICAL - Up to 6 correction points for special calibration or non-linear correction (disables effect of offset and gain even if set to non-default values)

SIC - Turns on and off ICAL function (Offset and Gain values are used when switched off)

See Article for setting up 6 point correction 

XTC - Sets trigger input to be used for switching analog input (when used) to toggle between slope/emissivity and ambient correction

See Article for setting up trigger for remote E and T-Ambient Correction