Updated 11th December 2024

Q. Why is the streaming page is updated very low on Spot?

A. We found an issue in earlier firmware and fixed with 2.10.3.

Create Ticket to receive firmware file

Q. I cannot access the SV600 web IP through any connection type of Spot?

A. Please take care of internal clock of Spot and the SV600 is the same.

Q. What is the latest full release firmware version?

A. The current full factory release is 2.10.3 See Solution page for release notes Link

Create Ticket to receive firmware file

Q. Is it possible to create additional users to the existing default admin and user account?

A. No.

Q. Is it possible to change passwords for users admin and user?

A. Yes. Via Device Configuration - Users - User Management - Change Password. You must be logged in to the user account you want to change the password in.

Q. Are the Ports used in SV600 firmware changeable?

A. No, Ports are hard coded inside the firmware.

Q. What are the specification for M12 8 Pin connector?

A. It is M12 X-coded

Q. We have a Boston Dynamics Spot and would like to add SV600 Fixed Acoustic Imager Payload, what do I need to purchase?

A. Link for press-release June 15th 2023. You need the an SV600-BD-1. The package includes all mounting hardware. You must add SV600-API-BD to this.

Q. My SV600 has firmware 2.3.1 can I update directly to 2.7.0 or do I have to incrementally update to 2.4.0, 2.5.0 then 2.6.0?

A. No, for versions with 2.3.1 or higher can update directly to the latest version.

Q. Are Areas of Interest available?

A. Yes, since v2.4.0

Q. Does the GPS setting change based on sensor response / location or do we set it? How important is?

A. GPS is not used in our version. Not in the roadmap at the moment.

Q. Also GPS mode v ECEF mode, would this have a practical purpose for Spot/ Drone/ Truck application?

A. No practical purpose at the moment.  ECEF =Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF).

Q. How does the alarm setting work? Do we have to be recording to take picture as alarm or can it be set to record /take picture if alarm goes off?

A. This is handled by "events"

Q. We are unsure how the graph next to the image helps when recording. It seems a bit hard to focus and set to a frequency that relates to the settings in the tabs.

A. Changed in 2.3.1 revisit question

Q. Why do all the sensors change to the same colour even if a different dB recorded? Sure higher should appear red and lower blue?

A. The "sunflower" view is simply the raw SPL value for each microphone based on the total frequency response (all selected). It is related to the Measurement Interval value setting  for "DASHBOARD_LEQ_SENSORS" in Measurements tab

Q. What is the measurement interval parameter - what is the optimum value to use?

A. 1000ms is recommended - further explanation will follow


Q. What is the detectable frequency range of the SV600?

A. 2-52 KHz

Q. What materials are used for the casing?

A. Front and rear panels - injection moulded uncoated ABS plastic. Chassis - powder coated aluminium.

Q. Can multiple imager control a single WAGO Fieldbus Coupler?

A. Yes, this has been tested - see article SV600 Multiple Acoustic Imager Controlling Single WAGO Coupler

Q. What is beamforming?

A. Beamforming is the method of analyzing time differences in the sound signature at each microphone to determine location and direction of a sound source.

Q. How do I interpret an image that appears to have many heat map (signatures), will these effect the ability to detect a leak, or will they increase the occurrence of false positives?

A. No. Although they may be visible they need not affect the ability to reliably detect and alarm a real leak.

Q. What are the benefits of the so-called sunflower array?

A. Compared to a square type array spurious incidental artefacts are vastly reduced or eliminated.

Q. Do the sliders in the Sensor SPL tab affect the performance?

A. No, they are only used for visualization.

Q. Is there a minimum useable distance from the array to the object?

A. 1m is what we specify in our documentation. Shorter distances are possible with care and consideration about the surround area (acoustic reflections and other artefacts).

Q. Is there a maximum useable distance from the array to the object?

A. 15m is what we specify in our document. Longer distances are possible with care and consideration in terms of detection and alarm (SPL level).


Q. What is the field of view of the visual camera?

A. Approximately 65 degrees +/- 3 degrees.

Q. What is the field of view of the acoustic array?

A. Approximately 120 degrees (where response rolls of at edges). The camera represents the center of the acoustic array where the detectivity is at the maximum and most consistent.

Q. How do I mount the SV600?

A. Using the tripod mount or the VESA mount (100mm using M4 bolts)

Q.  Is it possible to widen the frequency sensitivity band?

A.  Yes, ideally you need a mouse with a wheel (hover in between the min and mix). With a track pad on a laptop, you can use 2 fingers on the trackpad.

Q.  Is a docker container or extension available for the SV600-BD unit?

A.  We do not have something like this because the software runs inside the SV600 itself.

If newest version of the BD software cannot be used, then utilize the older remote mission services.