The demo data and installer package are deliberately separate to avoid confusion for real customer installations.
Administrator rights are necessary. The attached video performs the setting on a pc that is logged in locally to an Admin account. For Domain controlled pcs an admin user name and password will be required to enter for each installation.
Please create a ticket request for a complete demo "kit". We will reply with a trial key and a non-shareable link to download the installation package. The demo data can be downloaded here.
Setting up a demo installation involves:
1. Installing the standard CS400 install package - CS400Setup_x86_7.5.207.exe or later
2. Entering the demo key and closing the software (will be provided by techsupport team)
3. Installing the demo data package - CS400DemoData_1.07.msi
4. Starting the CS400 software.
5. Hitting the Monitor button
Click for software (Fluke Employees Only)
6. If you like to modify Demo Data you need to change permissions for the Configurations Folder (C:\ProgramData\Fluke Process Instruments\CS400\Configurations\... folder and all its subfolders)