
This quick guide briefly descries the different register types that are available on Vector devices and what they can be used for. For details of how to configure and use each register, see the separate guide for that register. 

Note that some registers are unique to Vector Analytic devices and won’t be available on Vector Count devices.
Note also that all registers shown below relate to the very latest firmware version, so if you don’t see a specific register on your Vector Analytic device, perform a firmware update
In order to access these settings, you must first make an initial connection to the Vector unit; see separate guide: Irisys Vector 4D - Making a Setup Connection



Before you can add or modify register settings, a valid height must be set. Normally at point of first connection you will be prompted to click the 'Auto Height' button, so this should all be ok by this point.



To access the available registers, connect to a device either directly or through Estate Manager, then go into ‘Settings’, and then ‘Counting’. If the registers dialog is not shown straight away, click the Registers button. Click the ‘+’ button on the Registers dialog and the Add Register dialog box will appear:


Scroll down to see all the available registers.

To add a register, select it from the list, click ‘Next’ and set the required parameters for that particular register.

See the separate settings guide for that register type.



If connected to a Vector via an Estate Manager connection, make sure you select the ‘Live View’ option to make changes

Register Notes

When you add a register, each will have a number of features and/or requirements. Some can only be added if other required registers are already in place and configured in a certain way, e.g. a basic line in immediate count mode. Some will add one, two or even three separate register totals. Some will add corresponding lines, zones, or both. See corresponding notes below for details. More detailed notes are available on the corresponding register configuration document (see partner portal).


Line Register Types

Line – This is a basic line crossing count register and is associated with a single directional count line. The register records crossings of that line. A new device is configured with two of this type of register by default.

Alternative – This type of counting register requires inputs from two or more standard count lines, L1 to LN, (up to a maximum of 8), and will incremented if a target crosses at least one (any) of the lines. Effectively this is a logical ‘OR’-type count register that will increment by a maximum of one per tracked target.

Sequential – This counting register type requires inputs from two or more count lines, L1 to LN, (up to a maximum of 8), and will incremented if a target crosses all of the lines in the configured order sequence. All lines must all be configured in an immediate count mode to qualify for use in this function. Counts of everyone who cross the lines in the correct sequence are then stored in a single register.

Summation – This type of counting register requires inputs from two or more other count registers, C1 to Cn, (up to a maximum of 8), and will incremented by each increment to count registers C1 to Cn. For each associated counting register, increments can be configured to be either positive or negative to facilitate both addition and subtraction. Note that this register could go negative when the subtract operator is used.

Beam Break – This register requires an input from a standard count line configured in ‘immediate’ count mode and will group together people who crosses that line within a configurable time frame and give a count of one only. It mimics a side mounted ‘beam break’ device - but with some added functionality. Note, the smart boundary register supersedes this register type, and is the preferred method of counting groups, see below.

Line Exclusion – This register is associated with a basic counting line and also a separate configurable zone. Can be configured in one of three different modes; count people who start in the zone and then cross the line, count people that cross the line and leave via the zone; or exclude people who start in that zone. This maybe helpful when wanting to avoid counting of door staff, security guards, meet-and-greet at the door, etc.

Smart Boundary – An intelligent self-contained line crossing register, which can be configured in multiple ways. Can be used for counting groups of individuals based on their proximity and timing across a line. Has parameters for counting or ignoring staff, as well as height filters. Consists of one total count register and a configurable count line.

Pulse Generator – Used on the SafeCount variant of the Vector for driving additional updates to intelligent speakers and LED displays. Not for general use. Will be removed in future firmware updates.

Tailgate – (Analytic Only) An intelligent Tailgate detection register. Requires two registers as inputs – one for counting people (usually a basic counting line) and one to denote how many people are allowed before a Tailgate event alarm is raised – this is usually associated with a ‘valid card’ signal from the access control system added to the Vector via the USB IO module and a basic pulse count register (see below). The output from the Tailgate register is a value that will increment for every tailgate event. This can be output via a relay pulse on the USB IO module and back into the access control system to drive an alarm, buzzer, CCTV, NVR etc.

Remote – Provides access to register totals from other, ‘remote’ Vectors. Useful for pulling in standard count totals from two or more separate doorways across the network, for reporting of occupancy totals for example.

Universal Trigger – Used on the SafeCount variant of the Vector for driving additional updates to LED display and intelligent speakers – essentially a ‘comparator’ with configurable offsets. Not for general use.

Greater Than or Equal & Less Than or Equal – (Analytic Only) Two simple binary registers which can be used to monitor when another register reaches a configurable value - at which point it will flip state. Each requires one register as an input which is compared against a configurable value. Useful for driving relay outputs (flipping states) as alarms (via the USB IO module) for example. Often used as a pair.

Error Status – A register denoting an error condition. Can be used to drive additional updates to LED display and intelligent speakers. Changes from 0 to 1 to reflect an error status. Use with care - subject to change.

Remote Receiver – Allows register values from other master devices to be received and used internally (for example to drive local IO module outputs).

Basic Pulse Count Register – This type of counting register is associated with an input channel, provided by the optional CAN I/O module. Any pulses on that channel are counted. Not selectable in the Add Register dialog box - added via the Relay setup tab.

Zone Register Types (Analytic Only)

Zone – Can be used to monitor activity in an area. Register value will increment for every person who enters the configured zone and conforms to the settings (minimum time in zone, staff detection, height etc).

Zone Occupancy – Instantaneous count of how many people are in a configurable area. Will go up as people enter the zone, and down when they leave. As per regular zone (above), various parameters are available.

Portal – Count people that appear in one area (start) and disappear in another (stop). An alternative to regular line crossing registers. Requires consistent and reliable target tracking, but useful for complicated situations.

Staff Call – Increments a value when a customer is stood in an area/zone and a member of staff is not present in another. Both zones freely configurable but usually placed in same location in the field of view. Requires staff to be identified by wearing the Irisys detection lanyard. Often used in conjunction with the Staff Attend register.

Staff Attend – Increments a count when a member of staff arrives to attend to a waiting customer. As per the above Staff Call register, this requires staff to be wearing the Irisys detection lanyard, but this register will provide the feedback to that register. I.e. a staff member was called, and then subsequently arrived.

Occupancy – This register reports the occupancy of a room using the values from various pairs of IN/OUT count line registers (min 2 input registers required). Also includes ability to auto-reset occupancy to zero using IO module and PIR input, or inactivity on the IN line(s), in order to negate any inadequate counting configurations. Consists of two register totals; the ‘Occupancy’ value, and the number of times the occupancy has been ‘Reset’. An optional ‘Occupancy Wait Time’ register is also available by default, but it can be disabled in config, if required.

Queue Wait – Captures wait time for a queue encompassed by two pairs of (required) IN and OUT lines placed at the beginning and end of the queuing area. Comprises three registers storing: number of people in queue, average wait time and number of times has been reset.

Zone Wait Time – Wait time of targets in an area. Comprises a single register value containing the updating average time of all people stood in the associated configurable zone.

Zone Wait Time Sum – The Sum of the durations of exiting individuals from a zone. Not for general use. Will be removed in a future firmware update.

Occupancy (FIFO) – An improved method of Occupancy reporting based on IN/OUT line counting pairs, but also included a ‘First In First Out’ timeout value to help remove any over or under counts from the occupancy value.

Fine Motion Room Sensor Register – When the wireless USB dongle (part number: IRTRM2220) is connected, and a wireless PIR is in range (part number: IRTRM2210), this register can be added. Once configured it will increment whenever movement is detected. The main use case of this register is as a feed into one of the Occupancy registers.

Copyright © 2022 InfraRed Integrated Systems Limited

No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission in writing from InfraRed Integrated Systems Limited.  This document gives only a general description of the products and except where expressly provided otherwise shall form no part of any contract. From time to time changes may be made in the products.