
This section discusses the Counting tab available on the Irisys Vector devices. 

Anyone new to Vector devices should start here.

The Counting settings tab provides a single place to configure every aspect of the counting functionality of the Vector device and as such it is extremely important that it is understood and used correctly in order to ensure the Vector works to a high accuracy level.

In order to access these settings, you must first make an initial connection to the Vector unit; see separate guide: Irisys Vector 4D - Making a Setup Connection
This section highlights the main features of the Counting tab, but for more details of usage go straight to the Counting Tab Quick Start.

The various functionality is described below with links provided to other pages to discuss each in more detail.


Counting Settings

Once you are connected to your Vector, the Counting settings are accessed via the ‘Settings’ tab, then ‘Counting’:

If connected to a Vector via an Estate Manager connection, make sure you select the ‘Live View’ option to make changes


It is important to understand that the default Counting tab view shows the output from the video camera overlaid on top of the output from the Time Of Flight sensor. This gives you all the tools you need to be able to see what needs to be configured for the functionality you require. Keep reading for more details. 


Counting Tab Navigation

These are the main buttons available for selection. 


1. Expand to full screen - temporarily hides the tab headings. Click again to return headings.

2. Switch between Video View Mode and Line Edit Mode - required to edit count line and zone positions.

3. Show/Hide Register Dialog (see below) - adding the right registers and configuring them correctly is the key to the Vectors functionality

4. Show/Hide Device Dialog - used for height, tilt and positioning configuration.

5. Show/Hide Global Height Filter dialog - used for removing targets based on their height information.

6 Zoom In - you can also use the mouse scroll wheel and 'pinch-and-zoom' on touch screen devices.

7. Zoom Out

8. Pathmap options - key to correctly positioning count lines and zones in the right place in the Vectors field of view(s)


Registers Dialog

These are the main functions provided by the Registers dialog window. 

Show/Hide the Registers dialog window by clicking the first button of the six available:

A. Switch between showing the User Counts and the System Counts

B. The label assigned to the register.

C. The current total

D. The colour of the corresponding line or zone on the main view (shown above)

E. Show all lines/zones on the main view (shown above)

F. Hide all lines/zones on the main view (shown above)

G. Add another register

H. Close the Registers dialog window

I. Reset the currently displayed register totals to zero

J. Access the registers underlying settings

K. Show/Hide this register

L. Any Register with a histogram configured. Click to show the the corresponding graph

M. Click and drag to resize the Registers dialog window.


Devices Dialog

This shows the individual devices list.

Show/Hide the Devices dialog window by clicking the second button of the six available:

A. The serial number of each device.

B. The firmware version that a device is running.

C. The lens/sensor variant of the Vector.

D. Whether the Vector is in Master or Node mode.

E. Close the dialog window

F. Flip to this devices video camera view.

G. Edit this Vectors Height, Tilt and other installation information.

H. Resize the dialog window.


By default the video view will be shown from the Master device, but for installations of lots of devices configured in Wide Tracker mode, but switching to a nodes camera is convenient, and often required, when positioning lines/zones across multiple devices. A large installation example if shown right.




Global Height Filter Dialog

The Global Height Filtering affects the initialisation of targets based on their detected heights. 

Click the third button in the row of six to Show/Hide this dialog window:

A. Lower Bound. Anything with height measured to be less than this will not be initialised/tracked.

B. Upper Bound. Anything with height measured to be greater than this will not be initialised/tracked.

C. Click the Save button when making changes.

D. Close the dialog window.


Pathmap Functionality

Clicking the Pathmap button brings up two additional buttons:

A. Pathmap

B. Show/Hide Pathmap Toggle

C. Reset Pathmap data

Showing the Pathmap data will overlay additional information over the whole of the field of view. This data is a visual representation of the paths that every tracked target has taken through the available field of view:


The redder the data the more people have walked in that spot of the field of view.

The areas marked with a thin black outline are 'initialisation' areas. These are where people are first seen as they enter the field of view and are initialized as a valid/trackable target. This is why they are shown here around the edge of the field of view.

Use the pathmap to refine your count line and zone positions.


Video View/Line Edit Mode

Changing the radio button to 'Edit Mode' allows any configured registers with associated lines and/or zones to be moved and shaped within the available active field of view.

It is very important that lines and zones are not simply left in their default position to ensure they perform correctly.
The position of the lines and zones relative to peoples paths through the field of view is the key to accurate counting.


Video View - provides a human viewable video of the area and everyone walking through it:

Edit Mode - enables the movement and shaping of lines and zones within the field of view:

When in Edit Mode, an additional two buttons become available. These two buttons allow for very simple positioning of two similar lines or zones in exactly the same place, and a quick way to flip the direction of a line type register.

The left button allows a line ofr zone to be placed in exactly the same place as another line or zone, and the right button allows a quick change of direction of a line to be set.


How To Use

There are a lot of things that can be configured, so we've split each thing into different pages for ease of navigation.

Essentially for standard 'IN' and 'OUT' counting a brand new Vector will do that out of the box, with very little additional configuration required. But for things like dwell (zone) counting, or 'Occupancy' you'll need to add specific register types for each function.

See the next section for details of how to use the register dialog, and position lines and zones within the available field of views.



Continue to next Section, Quick Settings Guide.