
The Settings page is where SafeCount customer settings can be modified if required.

To access the Settings page, use the three lines menu accessible in the top right of each page.








There are quite a few settings that can be changed here if required.

If you want to re-run the SafeCount wizard again, click the Open Setup Wizard button. Note this will clear all settings.
The main reason to go into the Setting page is to alter the High and Max Occupancy Limits.


Device Settings

Under Device Settings, access to the Manager and User views can be restricted with a password if required:

Network settings of the device can also be altered if required.

Take care when changing network settings as you could lose connection to your device.


Customization Settings

This section allows small settings to the Customer View and/or Attendant view (selected by the dropdown), to be made, if required:


Customization - Advanced

This section provides a more comprehensive list of settings that can be made to the main Customer facing screen if used/required.

It is possible to fully change the layout of the messaging provided to the end customer and even upload a background image containing the store/company logo if preferred.

When making changed in the Advanced section, a certain amount of trial and error is required.

It is recommended to make small changes, and then go to the Customer view to see the results - making sure to click the 'Save' Button between changes.


Opening Hours

The opening hours should be set as required. These will affect how data is displayed on the 'Historical Report' view.


Audio Files

Certain screen setups will allow playing of audio files when occupancy values are reached, and when occupancy value subsequently drops below the max threshold again.

Note that this functionality is dependent on hardware and is not guaranteed to work.



Under the advanced section you can choose to enable staff detection, and change the timeout used for resetting any IN counts without a correspinding OUT count.

When the Staff Detection checkbox is ticked, people who wear the Irisys staff detection lanyard will not be included in the occupancy count.

For more details of the Irisys Staff Detection Lanyard, see here.


Iadea Settings

If using the Irisys customer facing tablet with the built in light bars, the light bar functionality should be configured here.

Place a tick in the Checkbox to enable light bar functionality, and enter the IP address of the tablet and the password, if required.



Syncing the time with the connected devices time can be done here to ensure that dat is logged against the corrcet time when displayed, and when logged to be shown in the historical reports page.

Before performing a Time Sync, always ensure that your laptops time is correct.


For details of the main Customer View screen, see here.
For details of the Attendant View screen, see here.
For details of the Manager View screen, see here.
For details of the Historical Report, see here.