Applicable from Firmware version 1.0.65
Checked practically with demo camera 1.0.85 1st February 2024
For earlier versions please contact Tech Support - it may be possible to reset via TeamViewer remote access
To reset the password for the camera's web page:
Turn the camera on
Wait 17 s (± 3 s)
Turn camera off, then immediately on
Wait 17 s (± 3 s)
Turn camera off, then immediately on
Wait 17 s (± 3 s)
Turn camera off, then immediately on
Wait until green LED is on (not flashing)
Open or refresh web page
You will be presented with the login page:
User: admin
Password: admin
You will then be directed to a further web page (1st time default password) where you must define a suitable new unique password.
From there you can create further accounts as necessary.
Note: In case you lost the IP address of TV30 then TV30 needs to be accessed by fallback IP address.
Here is the link for same how to do : TV30 : How to access TV30 if IP address lost/forgot?