Alarm modules (relay 7067 or open collector 7043) can be added to the system for the following reasons:
1. Device internal temperature alarms.
2. Kiln shell temperature, burning zone or tire slip alarms.
3. Watchdog function where the alarm modules will make the selected channel high when there is a system error (READSCAN not running or scanner communication failure).
You can use the following steps as a supplement to the information contained in the CS210 manual (available to download here).
Note that the Advantech Serial server EKI-1524 (XXXSYSCS210CON) will need to be installed for converting the RS485 signals for network transmission. The CS210 connects using VirtualCOM ports.
This device will be installed if you already have any other devices using serial communication such as LRM, Burning Zone or Shadow Sensors.
The port X2 on the serial server is the 1st port in the list of virtual com ports as found in your device manager or as seen in the Advantech Utility:
1. Install the module and 24V and RS485 connections (refer to pages 87, 123 and 134 of the attached manual). Note that in the diagram below, relay number 5 is highlighted. The module uses numbering 1-7, whereas the software uses 0-6. Therefore, to select relay number 5 choose channel 4 in the CSConfigurator.:
2. Check basic function, address numbering of module(s) using PCOMM (refer to page 105):
3. Add module to the DIO list using CSConfig via Settings-Digital output:
a. Use Check Work with Digital Outputs and add module via the + icon
b. Define address number, add description and define watchdog channel (if desired). In this case channel 4 is the 5th channel corresponding to RL5.
c. Save setting by clicking the green tick and then leave the via right arrow button. Leave the previous page also by the right arrow button. Update READSCAN via Utilities-Update Readscan
4. Further configuration of relay channel for process alarms via Settings-Alarm Zones or for device internal temperatures via Settings-Scanners and pyrometers.
5. If you need to change the address of the module, you will need software DCON Utility software from here: