It is possible to log data via Trend Recorder using Automation Mode, so that the control can be triggered by:
Start/stop of Automation Mode
Trigger - temperature, digital input, PLC input, time.
Example using software v7.5.327 - earlier versions may be different
For data aggregated over 1s for AOI Maximum - Area 1
To change the default setup - Click Change to choose data:
Choose additional values (Metadata 1 represents engine temperature)
When changing the data structure a new file is created (file name appended with "_2)
If you start and stop Automation Mode or use a Recording Triggers condition to start and stop, a new file is not created and data is appended to the end of the column
Saved files can be view in ThermoView
Or in Excel
The unix utc timestamp can be converted using the formula:
"=(((Cell Name With Timestamp/60)/60/24)+DATE(1970,1,1))" Valid only for GMT, needs an offset for other timezones.
Change format cell B1
Click on and then drag right corner of cell D2 down to carry conversion to end of column: