Type: This is a 'Warning' message (Yellow highlight), but may be accompanied by other related Warning or Error messages.
Source: This originates from Estate Manager. The device itself is probably ok, but there maybe network issues preventing a permanent connection from being maintained.
Symptoms: This device is losing connection to Estate Manager. Switching to 'Live view' is therefore not always possible.
Cause: This is most likely a network related issue which will need to be investigated and fixed if possible. Incorrect firewall or QoS settings at the client side may prevent a permanent connection from being maintained, but very poor networks may simply be limited in their bandwidth and so a fix is either not possible or very expensive.
In some cases just one or two network disconnects may result in this message being shown, but over time the network is proved to be resilient and the message eventually disappears.
Fix: To fix this issue, check the devices Health tab to see what the network status is like. Further investigation into poor networks with high latency will be required.