
Vectors devices are modern IoT devices which have many functions and features which need to be configured correctly. They incorporate a few different mechanisms for indicating any current issues. One of which is the LED indicators, the other is the various error messages seen when you connect to a device.

When accessing devices remotely via an Estate Manager connection it is important to understand that some errors and warnings will be on the device itself, where as others will be only shown in Estate Manager. For example a device with incorrect height configured will be an on device warning, whereas flakey network comms will be an Estate Manager warning.


The Difference Between an Error and a Warning

Essentially a device in warning is operating correctly as per its configuration, but there are potential issues which may be affected accuracy or data delivery, and so should be be investigated

A device in error has a more serious issue and is probably not working at all, or is intermittently working, or is offline, and its status cannot be known.

Devices in Error or in Warning can be accessed directly from Estate Managers Status list shown/expanded from the bottom left of the main Estate Manager window:

Additionally, devices which have a location set, will be highlighted on the map, in Green when all is good, in Red if in Error, and highlighted in Orange if in Warning status. You can click on any status indicator on the map and the serial number will be shown. Clicking on the serial number will take you straight to the configuration pages for that device.

Depending on the scaling of the map and the number of devices with the same location details, one status indicator could refer to two or more devices. Clicking the indicator will show all the serial numbers at that location. You can of course zoom in on the map in order to more clearly see the separate devices that are near each other.

To set a devices Location so that it is shown correctly on the Estate Manager main map see here.


Issues on Device vs Issues in Estate Manager

It should be pointed out that when a device has an error but it is connected in to Estate Manager then Estate Manager will simply report that error to the Estate Manager user. The same error would be shown if you connected direct to the device at the location. For example, the measured height is different to the recorded height, or the MQTT connection has failed.

But if a device is not connected to Estate Manager (and it was previously), then it cannot be known what the actual issue is so all Estate Manager can do is alert the user to the fact that it is missed (offline), so that it can be investigated further. This would occur if someone powered off or disconnected the device from the network.

There are also other error messages which you may see like genuine crashes and runtime errors.

Crashes will usually have the option to save an error file. In these cases this 'crash report' file can be emailed to Irisys along with a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash and we'll do all we can to locate and fix the issue in the code.

Runtime errors are shown below.


Runtime Errors

Intermittent comms issues may lead to the following messages...

Data out of sync with device:

This can happen when quickly adjusting count lines or zones, and changes are not uploaded to the device and verified before the next change is made. This is nothing to worry about and you simply need to click the OK button and carry on configuring. You may notice that the very last thing you did wasn't registered and you'll simply need to make that change again. This issue is more likely to occur when path map is enabled and/or the network is slow or laggy.