The release notes below relate to the Irisys Estate Manager enterprise management software platform.


Release notes for Version

This version contains one minor breaking change in the V3 Estate Manager REST API.

Breaking Change

This API will now only reply with JSON data. Importantly the token provider now only replies as JSON for the V3 API which means the end point:


...will return a quoted string.

Any software that integrates the Estate Manager database using the V3 calls will need to have a very simple change made to it to remove the quotes from the string before using it in the auth header of the next calls. This change was done to fix an inconsistency in the way data was sent.

New Features

  • Added improved and easier to use Multi-unit alignment functionality (also requires Vector firmware >= 152)
  • New "System Manager" user role between top level "SystemAdmin" and "Admin" user types
  • Added support for BACnet network number configuration, required for transmitting of BACnet data between routers
  • "Confirm delete" confirmation before clearing the pathmap information
  • Tweaks to counts page to make it more obvious data is loading in the background
  • DB migration removing SQL server specific geo-spacial types
  • Moved all services apart from the main EM service over to .NET 6
  • User Interface updated to use Angular 13
  • Changed to Luxon for UI time handling
  • Updated installer to use net462 which is now the lowest Microsoft supported .net

Bug Fixes

  • Modify Content Security Policy (CSP) to fix problems in safari web browser
  • Fixed issue with changing your own user details
  • Fixed issue with pathmap buttons
  • Fixed issue with culling deleted devices if they had a device with node validation recordings present
  • Fixed BACnet settings being cached between devices incorrectly.
  • Fixed Activity page caching between devices.
  • Fixed rare crash when moving between online and offline mode on a device
  • Fixed map markers sometimes not showing the correct state when multiple devices share the same location
  • Fixed initial map marker clustering


Release Notes for Version

New Features

  • Support for Vector 'Authenticated Communications'.
  • Estate Manager outbound connections support for vector authenticated communications.
  • Web backend upgraded to .NET Core 3.1 (external link)
  • Maps now center to show all devices with a registered location.
  • Added support for on device Vector SSL certificate validation (requires relevant firmware).
  • Improved overall speed of connecting to devices (mainly Vectors).
  • Added warnings to the diagnostics page to say if the data in Estate Manager is out of sync with the Vector device (usually happens on SD card format / replacement).
  • Added support for removing all the data for a Vector device from EM while it is still connected (useful when an SD card has been formatted / replaced on Vectors).
  • Add REST API to allow task launcher tasks to be scheduled.
  • Expanded REST API to expose video scheduling capabilities.
  • Various security based improvements.
  • Account lockout when there have been several incorrect login attempts.
  • Validation of Vector node devices, as well as masters.
  • Can now Validate up to 6 registers at the same time.
  • Performance improvements for Validation.
  • Estate Manager 'Outbound Connections' can now be set by Admin type user logins.

Bug Fixes

  • Health page last activity was not correctly adjusted to browser timezone.
  • Rare incorrect finish time on schedules on distributed systems when a schedule finishes very quickly.
  • Some REST API calls did not return the correct HTTP codes for errors.
  • Column sorting on group pages did not persist.
  • Sometimes video downloads could be marked as complete when they weren't.
  • Fixed issues with the recording dialog on group pages.
  • Issue connecting back to a device after reboot in the task launcher service.
  • In rare circumstances the RIFT service could trigger high CPU usage when going into live view.
  • Crash on the 'Wide Tracker' tab when there are other devices on the network with certain register configurations.
  • Relay de-bounce settings could become corrupt on Gazelle devices.
  • Relay setup tab labeling was incorrect on Vector devices.
  • Various small relay page fixes.
  • Traceroute graphs and table incorrect times.
  • Issues with Vector Register Height Filtering.
  • Vector Height Filters could be created with a height of 0.
  • Components of the Vectors 'Occupancy' register types could have names too long for the device (Analytic only function).
  • Save button could disappear if the browser window was a certain size.
  • Allow the Fine Motion Room Sensor PIR to be correctly used with the 'Occupancy' register types (Analytic only function).
  • Registers without a visual element could lock up a Validation session.
  • Count Mode labels were inconsistent with documentation.
  • Some register types weren't being identified correctly in Validations.
  • Various small UI bugs.


Release Notes for Version

New Features

  • Support for new products & Vector features – BACnet, Wireless Fine Motion Room Sensor PIR, MQTT Event streaming.
  • Performance Improvements – Data culling.

Bug Fixes

  • Address book fix
  • Yaw angle support fix,
  • Count graph fix,
  • Count schedule fix.


Release Notes for Version

Various minor performance improvements & bug fixes.


Release Notes for Version

New Features

  • Redesign of front end. Now consistent with standalone RIFT exe setup software, and Vector onboard web-based setup software.
  • Fully compatible with all new Vector Register types, MQTT options and HTTP Push options.
  • All devices settings exposed, including master/node (Wide Tracker) configuration, IP and outbound connection settings. Note, take care when changing any of these settings.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Backwardly compatible with Gazelle and 3000 series devices (3000 series minimum fw version 486 required).