
Irisys released the Vector SafeCount product during the Covid19 Pandemic to provide users with a self contained people counting and occupancy reporting system.

It was intended as a self install device, with little to no technical knowledge required. End users could install it themselves, with a few simple instructions, and a simple setup wizard and some default settings provided fairly accurate usable data during the pandemic.

The data was reported locally via a simple to use interface and allowed managers and door staff to limit entry into a building to ensure correct social distancing.

That functionality has now been incorporated into the main Vector Analytic firmware for ongoing use as the need arises.

SafeCount is a Vector Analytic feature - it is not available on Vector Count devices.



SafeCount was originally designed to be self install device, as it included a standard setup which would work well in the majority of cases. The IN and OUT lines were in a standard U shape, and all the other required registers were pre-configured, so as long as the installation instructions were followed correctly, and the device was installed the right distance back from the door, this would work as expected. But, now that the SafeCount functionality is part of the standard Vector Analytic product, and it is being installed by an experienced partner, the default settings can of course be easily optimized. Things like line placement can easily be tweaked as required, so this means the standard Vector installation recommendations should now be followed.

See here for installation requirements if not already seen.

The SafeCount functionality was added in a latest firmware update. It is always recommended to be running the very latest version of firmware currently available but for SafeCount functionality a minimum version of 2.0.165 is required.

See the firmware download page for the latest firmware version available.



Analytics used as SafeCount devices should still be installed as per the main Vector installation recommendation. 

See here if you've not yet installed your device(s).

If you have more than one way in and out of the occupancy area install a Vector Analytic at each one.

An option for customers, is to use a traffic light type system of Red/Green lights or indicators at the entrance to the occupancy zone. If these are to be utilised, these too should be installed at this point.
SafeCount can also have a more sophisticated customer facing screen if preferred. This will display "Enter"/"Do not enter" messages, and can be modified with customer logos and other messages, if required. If utilising a screen, this should be installed at this point too. 
If using an IP enabled customer screen this can be used to setup the SafeCount units, if preferred.

Power to each Vector should be confirmed, as well as network connectivity if possible. It should be noted that each device will have the same default IP address, so powering on each one in turn and configuring it with a unique IP before proceeding with powering on the next one is recommended - see the SafeCount Wizard section for details.


Assignments and Settings

Before going ahead with the setup, there are a number of settings and device assignment information that will be required, as well as knowledge of the application, i.e. number of doors in scope.

Some of the information will need to be provided by the end customer, so engage with them before starting the setup wizard.

Network Settings: As part of the setup you can choose static IP addresses or use DHCP. If devices are on the end customers network you may need to ask them what addresses to use, but if it's completely isolated, then you can specify your own IP(s). Each Vector will need a unique IP address, but so too will each customer facing screen.

Name of Site: This will be displayed on the web page which reports the occupancy information, so relevant text will need to be agreed with the customer. If only using 'Traffic Lights' or similar indicators connected to a USB IO Module, then this isn't strictly necessary, but is good practice.

Primary/Secondary status: This is a setting on the Analytic and is directly related to the number of doors that feed into the occupancy zone/area. Each Occupancy zone must have one Primary device, and only one Primary device. The Primary device is the one that does the occupancy calculation using all the IN and OUT counts, so if you only have one device/one door then that's the Primary. But, if the zone has additional entrances and exits, the devices on those must all be set to be Secondary devices. When you have a choice of which device is the Primary, it is best to pick the device located at the main doorway/main entrance.

Mounting Information: You should be on site when running through the wizard so at the point of the wizard when it asks you for this information you will be able to double check. Basically the wizard needs to know the orientation of each unit and on which side of the door you've installed. This info is required so that the correct IN and OUT direction can be configured. 

Dwell Time: This is how long people generally stay within the occupancy zone, and is required for back correction of any missed counts. In other words if people are counted in but are missed counted out this time is used as a timeout to remove them from the occupancy calculation anyway. This prevents any occupancy build up so it doesn't show a full area when no one is present. Five different presents ranging from less than 10 minutes to over 2 hours are selectable for your environment. This covers short stay areas like wash rooms, all the way up to offices where people will stay all day.

High and Maximum Occupancy Values: These two values are required for alerting. The maximum value is used to flip any traffic lights that might be used to red. If a customer screen is used it too will go red at that point, and additionally it will go yellow at the high value.


Wide Opening/Wide Tracker

If you have doorways which are too wide to be covered by a single unit, then you will need to configure a wide tracker network of two or more units positions across that doorway. This will consist of a single master device and any number of nodes devices all working together to cover that entrance. Note that master and node assignment is completely different/separate to Primary and Secondary assignment. 

The main Primary unit can also be a master on a wide opening network, and any of the connected Secondary units can also be a master on a wide opening network. 

It is recommended that the wide tracker assignment - if required - is handled outside of the SafeCount primary/secondary assignment.
Any devices which are to be nodes on a wide tracker/wide opening network, should be left until the end, and the SafeCount wizard NOT run through on those units.

The recommendation is to leave the additional node units that may be installed at each entrance, switched off, until all the main Primary and Secondary unit assignment is complete. I.e. only once all the SafeCount wizards have been run through on each master device. Then they can be added manually - and their positional information entered - using the standard RIFT wide tracker functions.


Once you have the above details you can run the Setup Wizard.