
This quick guide discusses the Site settings available on the Irisys Vector units that should be set to make data retrieval and Estate management access more convenient.

To be able to access these settings, you must first make a setup connection to the Vector unit; see separate guide: Irisys Vector 4D - Making a Setup Connection.


Site Settings

Once you are connected to your Vector, the Site settings are accessed via the ‘Settings’ tab, then ‘Site’:


If connected to a Vector via an Estate Manager connection, make sure you select the ‘Live View’ option to make changes

The Site settings relate to the location and/or customer where the device has been installed and are used to identify that device when it connects into the data collection software. Data that is collected can then be correctly allocated to that end customers location and reported correctly.

The localisation setting allows for configuration of a local timezone where the device is physically located. This is handy when pulling data and presenting it from devices in multiple different timezones, and hence be able to compare store opening times for example.

These settings are also used to automatically filter devices into the correct address book group(s) in Estate Manager.


An NTP server can also be specified if required, in order to keep the onboard date and time synced with other devices.

Note that an NTP server setting is not required when devices are connected to an Estate Manager instance as EM will handle any time drift automatically as required.
Having more than one time sync mechanism will cause the clock to change unnecessarily often, which could lead to a failure of the clock IC inside the Vector. Therefore you should not configure an NTP server if using Estate Manager, or you are planning on time syncing using the REST API.

Because these settings are important for identifying devices and allocating count data correctly, it is strongly recommended that a specific data format and structure for each field is established for your specific organisational requirements, which is then documented and strictly adhered to in future installations. Additionally, care should always be taken to not introduce spelling mistakes which would confuse or prevent data collection from occurring.


Before navigating away from the device, click the ‘Save’ button to complete any changes.