If the IP address of Pan and Tilt is lost, it can be found using 3rd party software.
We can find the Pan & Tilt IP address using the VMS Management tool. The P&T supports the ONVIF (not the camera), so we can find the Pan & Tilt IP address using the VMS Management or ODM (Onvif Device Manager) tool which can be found online for free
Download the VMS Management tool using the below link:
Once the software download is complete, run the exe and install the VMS management tool.
Set your Laptop/PC IP to "AUTOMATIC IP"
You need to run the VMS management tool and create a login account for first-time use.
Follow the attached video for the procedure.
You can find the set IP of the P&T unit.
In case you need to set the new IP address of P&T, open the web browser and type the existing IP address of P&T.
Use the User and Password details :
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Go to the "Network" page and change address type to "Static".
Assign new IP, Subnet, and Gateway to P&T.