Core Temp. We use it to check for CPU thermal throttling issues and pc or software slow down or lock up.

All of our linescanner or thermal camera software platforms are sufficiently robust and bug-free not to spontaneously crash or lock up a pc.

We have many hundreds of installations worldwide and are not actively managing software crashing cases.

Software or pc lockups are generally caused by network or pc issues.

ThermoView software in Automation Mode will recover communication with the camera without crashing the software even if the camera is disconnected and powered down. Our own test have shown that recovery takes around 30s.

Intermittent communication issues can be due to cable quality, network overhead, network traffic QoS settings.

Example from 9th April 2024 - laptop running slowly, sound card interrupted, screenshot software difficult to grab etc, Running Outlook, Teams, no camera connected. Laptop on desk with file placed on top. 

Move laptop into free air and then shutdown/restart to reduce temperatures

CPU is running quickly CPU starting to run hot. System stable after 15 mins.

CPU speed is clearly reduced with priority given to thermal stability and protection of CPU.

The example below is a pc running at standard room temperature

The logging feature (F4)  or via Tools is particularly useful CPU clock speeds or CPU temperatures.

The log files appear here using Core Temp software

Under stress testing (elevated ambient temperatures or CPU load to force an increase in CPU temperature) we have found that the CPU clock speed will typically reduce due to thermal management prioritization:

In any industrial trouble shooting situation, excluding thermal throttling is a necessary first step.

Regular software for checking CPU temperatures may not be sufficient to reveal all CPU behaviour.