
With the linescanner software, files can be saved an reused in case of needing reinstallation. There are 3 types of file that can be useful to archive:

1. The ini file (sometimes referred to as a recipe file).

2. The screen layout file.

3. The desktop shortcut file.

There are a short number of steps to reuse an ini file saved from a previous system:

Procedure to Restore

1. Install the DTDP software (ES, EC TF etc)

2. Copy the ini file into the location within Public Documents (add location here).

3 Use the Configurator program to recreate a desktop shortcut that uses, in its "target" this ini file (if the desktop shortcut file was not archived).

Special note:

TF and GS ini files are cross compatible

ES and EC ini files are cross compatible

This means that you cannot use an ini file from TS or GS with an ES or EC system. This is due to:

TF and GS define zones (2D) where EC and ES define sectors (1D). TF and GS use a snapshot trigger function, EC and ES do not.

How To Create a Desktop Shortcut for a Specific ini file:

Screenshots to follow