Since version 7.5.227 it is now possible in Automation Mode to save "trend files" as binary (*.irtrend) and in a format useable outside of the ThermoView software (*.irtrend.csv).

Binary format has been part of the software since inception with.csv format requested by a number of customers who wished to have process value log files.

Previously, it was only possible to manually created .csv by opening a .irtrend file and manually "saving as" .csv - taking considerable time and effort and needing to run ThermoView as a second instance.

Appending to the file is set as default with the option to disable that and create a new file each time trend recording is started:

Choose File Format via Save as type: and check if you don't want to append to file via Create new trend file every time.....

Ensure to add data points via Trend Data

Automation Mode set to 10s intervals for Area 1 "Max via Aggregate measurements:

Confirmation of Trend Recorder active 

 Example of save to location

Example of data opened in excel (ignore msec column)