• Configure the LAN port(s) of PC within the same (but not identical) IP address range as the TV40 camera(s)


  • Install the Thermoview software onto the PC and perform activation (manually or online)


  • Connect the TV40 camera(s) to the LAN port(s) of the PC and power-on the camera(s)


  • Open the desired Thermoview project (.pproj) file obtained from the directory or default location  C:\ProgramData\Fluke Process Instruments\ThermoView (after transferring all backed up files from this location on the old previous PC).

            [Menu->File->Acquisition Project->Open]


  • It may be necessary to reconnect the camera(s) with the Thermoview software

            [Menu->Camera->GeniCamTL/GigEVision->Connect] for a single camera


            [Menu->Camera->Multiple Cameras->Connect] for multiple cameras


  • If desired to use other saved analysis scheme(s), open the desired collection (.clt) file

            [Menu->Analysis->Open Collection]