- Determine a storage directory (can be the local camera PC or a network-connected repository). The default location for project files is C:\ProgramData\Fluke Process Instruments\ThermoView. A network connected repository is preferrable as it saves the need to transfer backed up files onto the new/spare pc.
- Save the running Acquisition Project to the directory
[Menu->File->Acquisition Project->Save As]
- Save the running Collection File to the directory
[Menu Analysis->Save Collection]
- If Image Recording feature is “enabled”, enter directory pathway as the storage location
[Menu->Automation->Automation Mode->Image Recorder]
- If Trend Recording feature is “enabled”, enter directory pathway as the storage location
[Menu->Automation->Automation Mode->Trend Recorder]
- Save project Actions to the directory as Thermoview clips and/or JPEGs
[Menu->Automation->Automation Mode->Actions]
*Note* Action type “Snapshot” should be selected