Click - Video Setup Device and Software


The MP linescanner software platform (DTDP) supports the configuration of 3 types of Sectors/Zone for either a continuous process values and/or alarm functions:

1. Device Sectors - internal to the linescanner hardware, completely pc free operation. 

Can be programmed using ASCII commands or via the Device Sector tab in DTDP. 

Zones (snapshots),  are not configurable as use a line by line temperature calculation. 

The output time response is (20ms + time for one revolution). 

A single built-in relay is available with a timer or trigger hold function. Min and Max alarms are possible, plus NO or NC states for the relay. 

Device Sector tab is not available with the I/O option Modules are controlled by scanner 1.

2. Software Sectors/Zones - Network based Wago I/O from Wago. 

Programmed and controlled only by the pc. 

These facilitate a higher number of calculation options (rising edge, homogeneity, tracking of seasonal conditions, temperature and area etc). 

One sector can be compared with another sector. 

The Wago controller needs to have sufficient analog, digital or relay slotted output modules.

3. Scanner Sectors/Zone - Network based Wago I/O from Wago.  

Programmed by the pc and controlled by the scanner. 

These facilitate simple calculations (min, max, average).

Special Note

Device Sectors are possible in all versions of DTDP including the free "lite" version.

Warning Note: 

Device Sectors are not possible to configure in parallel with Scanner Sectors

Further Detail

Device Sectors = 3 x mA outputs and a single relay inside the scanner. Generally used when a customer chooses just a linescanner (without software package), supplied with lite software. A PC is not mandatory for use but required to setup the sectors. The software can be used for visualization. The ignore below/above function is not available in Device Sectors.

Software Sectors = >64 sectors calculated by the software only. The process values or alarm signals can be mapped to Wago output modules (unless Scanner Sectors are configured). A PC is mandatory for use. Sector results are more sophisticated than Scanner or Device Sectors. 

The ignore below/above function via Sectors tab works with Software Sectors:

Scanner Sectors =  10 sectors (1 fixed position or scanner internal temperature and 9 adjustable position or scanner internal temperature), calculated in the scanner. The process values or alarm signals are mapped to Wago output modules. A PC is not mandatory for use but required to setup the sectors. Often this is called "pc free" operation but "pc independent" is more applicable.

In this situation it is possible to also create Software Sectors but not possible to map the sector values to Wago output modules. Sector results are more sophisticated than Device Sectors but less sophisticated than Software Sectors.

The ignore below/above function via Sectors tab works with Scanner Sectors and only with the Average calculation): 


***Ignore the message "(Only for calculations on the PC)"

How to Configure

Device Sectors - this tab shows that Sector 1 is active covering the full 90 degree FOV, with a "maximum" sector result configured for Output 1 with a 4-20mA range of 20 to 350 deg C, plus a high temperature process alarm at 200 deg C. With this configuration you will see the sector result in the software (dotted line), the software will not show when the Device Sector generated alarm is active.

This tab shows that the scanner internal temperature alarm is configured for 55°C (in addition to Sector 1 set active)

Software Sectors - This page shows a Software Sector created to mimic Device Sector 1. This allows the software sector value to be displayed where the value will turn red with a high alarm.


Step 2

Step 3

Scanner Sectors - This page shows a Scanner Sector created to mimic Software Sector 1. Here, the sector or zone calculation is performed in the linescanner. The process value or alarm state can then be "mapped" to an analog or digital output. Scanner sectors have no application unless Wago I/O hardware us used. Therefore the I/O page must be configured first in order for the output channels to appear in the sector configuration dropdown dialogue.

Link for Video Description

Step 1 Configuring the I/O module

Adding the MAC address of the Wago I/O controller and selecting BootP-Server allows the software to configure the IP address of the Wago I/O Controller

Adding the specific Wago output "cards"

Defining the Scanner Sector - Check that Software Sector does not have blue text = Software Sectors are set. Clock on Scanner Sector box. Note that GS and TF will show Scanner Zones

Click Add

Note the first sector is named Sector 0 and does not offer adjustable coordinates - mostly this is used for mapping scanner internal temperature. Select as below for mapping scanner temperature with 55°C threshold to a Wago digital output channel

Click Add again and Sector 1 is offered. Note coordinates are not "greyed out".

This configuration is for the full width, calculating the maximum value and mapping this to channel 0 (1) of the Wago anaog output card with a 4-20mA scaling of 400 to 700°C

You will see the blue text when Scanner Sectors (or Zones) are set