Updated 8th June 2023

Q : What is the reason  the laser can only stay on for 10mins and automatically turn off after 10mins. 

: Is to preserve laser longevity, the laser automatically turns off after approximately 10 minutes of constant use! 

Q : Is there a manual way to adjust offset and gain in the sensor (independent of the field-calibration software)?

A:  No, there is no way to adjust the offset and gain parameters:


Q :  What type of output does the Raytek MM series provide

A:  4-20mA by default with option to set to 0 to 20 MA via the supplied DTMD S/W 5.4.1

Q : What is the minimum mA value in 4-20mA mode?

A:  In EUUU (under range), the output is 2mA.

Q : Is it possible to define the lowest to 4mA.

A:  No, but non-release  beta firmware is available on request that can set this EUUU value to 3.8mA

Q : Using Field Cal software with W7 I get an error message when starting.

A:  Set properties to run the software under Windows XP SP3 mode.